The “Zur Rüti” farm was first mentioned as a clearing yard in 1364.
Bathing operations began in 1464 and the Gyrenbad appeared with a name for the first time.
The oldest bathing regulations date back to 1602 and were copied for the last time in 1825 and displayed on wooden boards (Gyrenbad Women's Salon Library). Around 1622, the stately middle wing was built as a half-timbered building with a gable roof.
After 1800, at the dawn of the bourgeois era, a new social class became interested in bathing. From the 19th century onwards, the Gyrenbad was visited by a wider audience from the city and countryside for relaxation and entertainment.
In 1826, today's western wing was built as a bathhouse with guest rooms instead of a bathhouse.
Between 1843 and 1845, the small bathhouse was demolished and a free-standing, three-story guest wing was built, today's east or hall wing, with the dining room and the ladies' salon running the entire length of the first floor.
On the garden side there is a two-story terrace in front. The connection to the main building was a free-span wooden walkway with a bell.
In 1867 a free-standing greenhouse was built on the southern slope.
The Kurhaus was electrified very early in 1908.
After the Second World War, the bathing business flourished again and in 1968 the bathing business was finally stopped. After Huldreich Kunz's death, his widow and Hans and Lore Kunz continued to run the inn.
In 1989, the Gyrenbad was awarded the “Historic Hotel of the Year” prize by the ICOMOS (international council in monuments and sites) (the prize was awarded for the first time at that time).
Total renovation 1990 to 1992:
The goal was despite the demands of a modern restaurant and the stringent requirements
the fire department, the traditional character of the building and its cultural and historical value
Equipment largely preserved.
Kulturdetektive GmbH | Claudia Fischer-Karrer, lic. phil. I, historian/art historian

«Geschichten aus dem Gyrenbad»
«Geschichten aus dem Gyrenbad» ist ein Werk mit lustigen und anderen Anekdoten der ehemaligen Gastgeberin und Wirtin Lore Kunz sen. und einem Rückblick auf vergangene Jahre im Gasthof und Badebetrieb Gyrenbad in Turbenthal.
Das Büchlein ist für CHF 18.– bei uns im Gasthof erhältlich.